My name is Meir Leiner. Boruch Hashem, my wonderful wife Leah recently woke up after four months in a coma.
Leah was in a horrific bus accident, when the bus she was riding crashed into another bus at high speed. Leah was violently thrown from the window, and onlookers watched in horror as one of the buses rolled over and crushed her leg. Leah was rushed to the hospital in critical condition and remained unconscious and respirator-dependent for four grueling months. She survived Boruch Hashem, but her left leg was amputated above the knee.
We now face a long road to recovery as Leah adjusts to life as an amputee and works to regain her independence. Leah desperately needs a high-quality prosthetic leg that would allow her to walk again, but it costs upwards of 1 million shekels. We don't have that kind of money.
I stopped working to take care of Leah and the kids, and we are drowning. We truly need your help. Our kids desperately need their Mommy back and functioning. Please help us purchase a prosthetic leg, so we can start rebuilding our lives one step at a time.
Hashem should reward you greatly and answer all of your tefillos and send you the yeshuos you need. Thank you so much,
Meir and Leah
-Please continue to daven for Leah bas Simcha