Our Campaigns
KEEPING OUR SOLDIERS COOL: Help Our Israeli Troops Survive the Summer Heat!
Fund ID: 1328
My son Avi calls me once a week from his base near Gaza. Last time, his voice was different - exhausted, strained. "Ima, we're out there for 18 hours in this heat. When we finally get back to rest, our […]
Raised $177
Goal $500,000
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THEY PAID WITH THEIR BODIES: Shomrei Yisrael has 60 SEVERELY INJURED IDF Soldiers in need of help. They can’t have a Chag Sameach without us!
Fund ID: 1327
Out of the 8,500+ injured IDF Soldiers since October 7th, 1,500 require rehabilitation, including burns, amputees, and lost eyesight. Though the state budget has allocated a lot of help for soldiers wounded in battle, many soldiers still haven’t received what […]
Raised $1,473
Goal $60,000
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My Husband Suddenly Died At Age 47 In Front Of Our Eyes….Please Help A Widowed Mother of 10 Cover The Basics
Fund ID: 1326
Hello, My name is Sara Tova Nimni. My husband Yair and I were baalei teshuvah. Yair a”h supported our family as a cook in a local yeshiva, and he learned Torah every spare second. He was always working on himself, […]
Raised $4,887
Goal $85,000
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My Husband Lived To Make Others Happy. Now, We Are Left On Our Own. Please Help Us Survive This Heart-Wrenching Loss.
Fund ID: 1325
My name is Margalit Chazan, and shortly after the engagement of our daughter, my world shattered. I noticed that my husband, R’ Tzion Chazan, had not yet risen from bed. I went to wake him and was horrified to discover […]
Raised $4,988
Goal $50,000
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NOBODY KNOWS THAT SHE IS DROWNING: With a sick husband, and seven children, this woman is doing everything possible to hold the threads together. THEY FACE EVICTION >>> [Endorsement of Rabbi Yaakov Zilberman]
Fund ID: 1324
Recently, a mover and shaker in the Sanhedria community fell terribly ill. Without his income and help, his wife’s responsibilities became like those of a single mother rl”tz. But it’s harder, because she is also caring for her sick husband, […]
Raised $4,670
Goal $10,935
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OUR FIRST PESACH WITHOUT HIM: Please help the families of fallen soldiers.
Fund ID: 1323
I used to prepare for Pesach with my husband's help. He'd lift the heavy boxes, reach the high shelves, and joke about my obsessive cleaning. "The matzahs will taste the same either way," he'd say with a smile. Six months […]
Raised $3,047
Goal $150,000
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PIKUACH NEFESH: As a young widow, biological cancer treatment gives me hope for my children to have a parent. HELP ME SURVIVE!
Fund ID: 1320
Klal Yisroel, I am turning to you with sincere and utter desperation. Five years ago, we lost my husband to cancer. He was an amazing amazing, father and husband. He left me with our five beautiful children. At his levaya, […]
Raised $6,740
Goal $70,000
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RUT’S WEDDING IS TOMORROW! Responsible for paying for her own wedding, this kallah is desperate. [Endorsements Below] SEE HER LETTER:
Fund ID: 1319
UPDATE: Be”H, Rut is getting married TOMORROW, on Tuesday night! She started raising money from the time of her engagement - it seemed like so much time. Now, her wedding is here. THE PRESSURE IS INTENSE. When the music stops, […]
Raised $7,250
Goal $45,000
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WARM THE COLD FRONT! Soldiers are freezing as the Northern border remains a red zone. Warm our heroes - SEND HEATERS!
Fund ID: 1317
Israel is experiencing temperatures BELOW FREEZING across the country. On the Northern Lebanese border, temperatures drop even lower! Fighting on the Northern fronts in the winter has been an added challenge for our soldiers. Freezing, damp uniforms that don’t dry […]
Raised $6,809
Goal $100,000
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When Every Second Means Life or Death: ZAKA360's Emergency Ambulance Campaign for Southern Israel
Fund ID: 1314
"I was with my neighbor when she went into premature labor during a rocket siren. The paramedics told us all the ambulances were responding to emergencies in other cities. She gave birth in her shelter, without proper medical care." "When […]
Raised $2,479
Goal $220,000
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My Father's Final Wish Was To See Me Married. Now, I Need Your Help To Make It Happen.
Fund ID: 1313
Behind every engagement announcement lies a story. Mine carries a bittersweet weight that few brides experience. After losing my father to a fatal illness, I'm ecstatic to be announcing my engagement. While most brides dream of their perfect day, my […]
Raised $5,185
Goal $60,000
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SAVE AN ENTIRE FAMILY! Widowed Chana Levy has been raising her twelve children by herself - and now she is sick.
Fund ID: 1312
UPDATE 03/13: Purim is a time of the tremendous power of Venahapoch Hu. And we are praying for a miracle. Please help us, may Hashem bless you for saving a life!!!! My head was spinning, trying to process what the […]
Raised $15,145
Goal $100,000
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WEDDING THIS THURSDAY! [Endorsed by HaRav Moshe Bransdorfer] I cared for my 5 siblings for years - but now I can’t pay for my wedding.
Fund ID: 1308
UPDATE: Nachi’s wedding is tonight, and he needs to pay up right after the wedding! Please alleviate his stress and donate here to help the wedding happen! I’m Nachi Lefkowitz, and my childhood was very unusual. Since I was 13 […]
My Husband Is A Righteous Convert Suffering Horribly From Cancer. Please Help Me Save Him. Without Help, He Can’t Survive!
Fund ID: 1307
UPDATE: My husband's journey to Yiddishkeit was paved with mesirus nefesh and dreams of raising a beautiful Torah family. Now, in his darkest hour, he needs your help to continue living that dream. Every shekel you give helps keep a […]
Raised $12,098
Goal $50,000
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EVERY DAY HE SPENDS IN PRISON IS ON US: Pidyon Shvuyim For Yosef Meir Cohen
Fund ID: 1306
This is a campaign on behalf of Yosef Meir Cohen, a Jewish man who was an askan and a huge baal chesed. Yosef Meir was invited to be Chairman of the Board of Directors of a large company. The actual […]
Raised $20,245
Goal $200,000
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Beyond borders.
Between brothers.

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