My Husband Lived To Make Others Happy. Now, We Are Left On Our Own. Please Help Us Survive This Heart-Wrenching Loss.

My name is Margalit Chazan, and shortly after the engagement of our daughter, my world shattered. I noticed that my husband, R’ Tzion Chazan, had not yet risen from bed. I went to wake him and was horrified to discover that he was no longer alive.

Everyone who knew Tzion knew he was special. He was always so happy despite anything life threw at him, always sought to serve the community and to bring joy to others. He could not bear to see others in pain. We have been left devastated and broken.

We have no assets — no vehicle, no pension funds, no home, and no financial savings.  I still have several children still living at home, including the kallah, whose lives were just turned upside down. The expenses are huge, more than I could make in a year. Please, if you can, help me, and my family, to somehow cope and to survive and to keep going, despite this tremendous, heart-wrenching loss.

May Hashem bless you with abundance and joy. Thank you,

Margalit Chazan 


Baruch Hashem my husband was very close with Rav Grossman, who wrote this letter on our behalf:

“In this letter, I make an appeal to our Jewish brethren, the compassionate children of Israel, to take part in extending a helping hand and assisting the widow Margalit Chazan and her family from Migdal HaEmek, who are facing financial distress.

The head of the family, the righteous father R’ Tzion, of blessed memory, was a wise and God-fearing man who dedicated himself to Torah study and worked in the institutions of Migdal Ohr. Sadly, he passed away on the eve of Yom Kippur, leaving behind a widow and young orphans, with no financial support. The responsibility to help them rests upon us, as they are in great need, and it is a great mitzvah to support them in any way possible.

Therefore, I turn to you, our dear Jewish brothers, to participate in assisting these orphans by helping with their household expenses and their well-being, thereby bringing merit to yourselves and your families.

It is a great merit to support them, and I bless all those who participate in this great mitzvah that they will never know sorrow in their homes, and that they will merit to see divine blessing and success in all their endeavors. May Hashem bless you with an abundance of good and salvation. Amen.

With Torah blessings,

Rabbi Yitzchak David Grossman”

Raised $2,176
Goal $50,000
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Fund ID: 1325

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Achisamach / Friends of Keter Torah Inc.
5002 16th Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11204
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Tax ID: 81-3211840
Whether it’s raising money for a yeshiva, or a life-saving surgery, Achisamach devotes itself to helping widows, orphans, and talmidei chachamim all over the world.

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