SAVE AN ENTIRE FAMILY! Widowed Chana Levy has been raising her twelve children by herself - and now she is sick.

Hello Am Yisrael,

I am Chana Levi. I am 47, and live in the Sanhedria neighborhood of Jerusalem, with my family of 12 children bl”h.
As young parents bringing children into the world, our lives were lively. My husband Eliezer z”l was a melamed in a local cheder, and we enjoyed watching our children grow.

In 2017, my beloved Eliezer z”l, passed away from a heart attack. He was a Rebbi in a local cheder and the leader of our large family. I miss him dearly.
The challenges of widowhood are many.
Raising children by myself.
Running a home by myself.
Making it financially by myself.
Needless to say, I needed a lot of help from my community. But b”H, we managed. We made it through Coronavirus. I married off my four oldest children, and the babies turned into children.
But when my stomach pain turned out to be stomach cancer, my family started to fall apart.
Surgery, bi-monthly chemo, and finally - a clean report from the doctor.

But my pain returned, this time in the form of pancreatic cancer.
Surgery again, biweekly chemo again, but the Israeli doctors are not so pleased with the results.
They are recommending that I fly to Boston to receive another surgery and more treatments. They are confident it will save my life.
Now, I am scared.
Will I succeed in raising enough money to go to Boston?! I desperately need this surgery!
Will my life be cut short, G-d forbid, leaving my dear children orphaned of both parents?!

I beg every Jew to have mercy on me and my orphans!


Raised $14,716
Goal $100,000
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Fund ID: 1312

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Achisamach / Friends of Keter Torah Inc.
5002 16th Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11204
Tax Deductible
Tax ID: 81-3211840
Whether it’s raising money for a yeshiva, or a life-saving surgery, Achisamach devotes itself to helping widows, orphans, and talmidei chachamim all over the world.

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